Friday, September 25, 2009

Fat Tire Beer - New Belgium Brewing Company

While making a drunken pilgrimage (literally) to Chicago's Wrigley Field I stumbled (literally) onto this beer. After downing a couple of Old Styles at the stadium and drunkenly buying a Cubs hat my friends and I headed over to a nice little watering hole 5 blocks south (or north, or east, you get the point) of Wrigley to wait for the traffic to thin out. While enjoying the Redskins/Giants game the friendly, sarcastic, emo-loving bartender suggested this beer. Was I impressed? Yes, yes I was.

Fat Tire Beer

Made by: New Belgium Brewing Company outta Fort Collins, Colorado. Owned by hippies that use "clean energy" to make their brews. Not wind farms directly but they pay an increased rate to "ensure of the cleanest energy possible." Al Gore's ego and his wallet just got bigger, if that's possible.

Type Of Beer: Belgium style Amber ale.

Presentation: I only bought the twelve pack after waking up on my front lawn after the Chicago trip. I guess my sister-in-law kicked me out of the car, god love her. The bottle is interesting with nice little curves and a catchy label. The artwork on the label is by some hippy artist. The makers of the beer credit the artwork for their success. Whatever.

Color: Amber, deerrr.

Taste: Bold and smooth with a hint of a bitter aftertaste. Though I don't recall as much of an aftertaste with the draft version. Of course I don't recall a lot of that trip to Chi-town.

Deviate From The Norm: Uses a lot more spice, fruits and esoteric yeast strains (had to look up the meaning of esoteric) to make their delicious brew.

Hangover Factor: High, of course I would not suggest drinking 8 in 2 hours like I did.

Great With: Smithwicks. It is dubbed "The Half Acre" when these two mighty brews are mixed together in equal portions.

Alcohol Content: 7.5%

Beer Blog Rating: 3.75 out of 4

Overall: This is a great brew that will darken the door of my refrigerator many more times to come, or until I die of cirrhosis. All yellow and bloated. New Belgium have other beers to choose from which I'm sure I'll be partaking of sometime down the road.


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